304.421 bytes - sisdemo.exe, sisedit.exe, fontes, inicializações, etc... | ZP_GEREN.EXE |
Reticulated Plane Frame
330.736 bytes - portico.exe, po*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.pop | ZP_PORTI.EXE |
Reticulated Plane Pavement
316.801 bytes - grelha.exe, gr*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.grp | ZP_GRELH.EXE |
Reticulated Plane Truss
300.837 bytes - trelica.exe, tr*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.trp | ZP_TRELI.EXE |
Slabs in Rupture
1.349.880 bytes - laje.exe, la*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.lap | ZP_LAJES.EXE |
Continuous Beams
217.364 bytes - viga.exe, vi*.exe, .ini, .hlp, | ZP_VIGAS.EXE |
Columns of Reinforced Concrete
887.647 bytes - pilar.exe, pi*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.pip | ZP_PILAR.EXE |
Foundation | ZP_FUNDA.EXE |
Reinforcement to Bend, Torcion and Shear
244.268 bytes - armadura.exe, ar*.exe, .ini, .hlp, sisdemo.arp | ZP_ARMAD.EXE |
Displacement and Diagram of Reticulated Structures | ZP_DIAGR.EXE |
Draw and Plot Slabs | ZP_DLAJE.EXE |
Draw and plot Continuous Beams | ZP_DVIGA.EXE |
Draw and plot Columns | ZP_DPILA.EXE |
Draw and Plot Foundations | ZP_DFUND.EXE |
Assembly, Draw and Plot Frameworks | ZP_DFORM.EXE |